Welcome to Rachel’s Haven

Rachel’s Haven is a proposed fifteen-unit apartment building on the site of Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church in Charlottesville, Virginia. At Rachel’s Haven, four to six apartments will be set aside for adults with developmental disabilities. The remaining apartments will be rented to the public. People with disabilities
and those without developmental disabilities will live as neighbors to each other. At Rachel’s Haven, adults with developmental disabilities will live safely, meaningfully, and as independently as possible in an inclusive, integrated apartment building.  We are exploring the possibility of offering all of these apartments as affordable housing.

Rachel’s Haven is a ministry of the Charlottesville District of the United Methodist Church. We welcome our brothers and sisters from different faiths.

Mission Statement:

The Charlottesville District of the United Methodist Church desires to create more housing options for people with developmental disabilities so that they can live safely, meaningfully, and as independently as possible as our neighbors.   

Vision Statement:

We envision a supportive community where each person feels that his/her unique gifts and talents are valued and utilized for the good of the community, where each person feels respected and enjoyed, and where each person looks out for his/her neighbors. We long for a community that is welcoming and safe for all people, including people with developmental disabilities.

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